With the publicity connected to anabolic steroids, it is understandable why the drug is illegal. Anyone who takes a great interest in sports today, recognize the adverse impact using steroids has bodybuilding recipes.

Who would have thought you could beef up your physical strength and endurance just by taking a drug. In fact, the advantage that can be had is completely unfair compared to those who do not use these substances. The damage done by using steroids is definitely not the positive outcome they were hoping for. Now we'll speculate on the unfortunate reactions caused from anabolic steroids.

Interestingly enough, steroids effect men and women differently. It would seem that steroid use somewhat spans the gender gap and causes users to express traits typically associated with the opposite sex. Males take on more feminine traits and females start to look more masculine. The most typical example of this is when men develop breasts, but this is just the start. Steroid use most often leads to men experiencing a loss of sexual function. The body metabolizes the additional testosterone and leaves estrogen in its wake. Estrogen is widely known as the main hormone that causes feminine features to develop. One somewhat unexpected side effect of muscle growth due to steroid use concerns simple geometry. The body sometimes has difficulty dealing with excessively large bundles of muscle. Joint and bone space is infringed upon by the excessive over growth of muscle. Understandably this makes for a difficult time for the athlete. But this is what the high level athlete may have to deal with among other issues. Abuse of anabolic steroids leads to a curtailing of benefits. In this type of situation, a person may suffer from a greater tendency for bone fractures.

More somber liver issues that can happen due to anabolic steroid use are malignant and benign tumors. Some of the benign tumors will actually reverse their growth when the patient stops taking steroids. Cancer in the liver or hepatic carcinoma has developed in the athletes when they have used anabolic steroids. Acquiring such effects is horrible in itself, however the circumstance is further worsened by more situations. Frequently, serious issues and their symptoms will not be noticed for a long time. Maladies like growths on the liver and other liver ailments will not be caught by the usual blood tests.

Unmistakably, very serious side effects are present because of anabolic steroid misuse. Obviously, how bad the negative effect is depends on many different things. Even knowing the medical risk these steroids bring, athletes will continue taking them because they have the illusion of athletic grandeur bodybuilding recipes. Only several of the known side effects on the liver have been talked about today. Nevertheless, there are different ones that are as equally somber. Remember using steroids bring risk to many functions in the body as they effect organs.